Coronavirus is a very serious and frightening pandemic, and it is at times like this that we need positivity. With new safety measures in place to help control the spread of coronavirus, we are all facing a very different way of living our lives for the duration. For a limited time, we are all to stay home, apart from leaving the house for essentials such as grocery shopping and exercise. Gatherings exceeding two people (who must be from the same household) are banned. Restaurants, bars, theatres are all closed.
While these changes are undoubtedly huge, however, there are some good things to come out of it, and things that we should hope to continue working on even after the lockdown period is over.
Increased time with loved ones
Those living with their families have more time than before to spend enjoying one another’s company. Dusting off board games and jigsaws, cooking together and watching films are all good ways to spend time with one another.
Cleaner air
There have been significant drops in pollution since the lockdown. India and China in particular have seen huge falls in the presence of nitrogen dioxide, a serious air pollutant. Many other places around the world can expect to see similar differences too, as flights are cancelled and people are largely working from home.
Clearer water
With the significant reduction in water traffic, the sediment has settled, enabling fish to be seen in the waters of Venetian canals.
Random acts of kindness
From volunteers signing up to delivery groceries to the elderly and vulnerable in New York to donations of food, money and the sharing of ideas for entertaining children and exercising in lockdown, people are coming together to share their knowledge and expertise as well as offering their time to those who are more vulnerable than themselves.
Sharing joy
Italians have been out on their balconies singing the national anthem, Indians have been out to applaud their emergency services, in the UK there is call for a ‘Clap for our Carers’ event on Thursday 26th March to show appreciation for medical staff on the frontline fighting coronavirus each day.
Finding time
Many of us have had things on the list to do ‘when I have more time’. Social media has exploded with people reading books, creating and crafting, learning new skills and picking up new hobbies.
However you’re using your time at home, remember to check in with your loved ones, find the positives where you can, and stay safe.