What is ‘Quiet Quitting’ and how can you stop it?
What is ‘Quiet Quitting’, well the name is somewhat misleading, as employees are still doing exactly what is says in their job description and what is required of them… but that is all that they are doing. The term is becoming more common as a result of employees being asked to do more and more for less and less over the last few years.
Kim’s Recruitment Anniversary
I still want to get up and come to work every day…. How blessed am I?
The Cost of Living Crisis and what it means for employers and recruiters
TotalJobs found that 37% of workers are considering changing jobs for a higher paying salary than their previous role to cover higher costs, as well as benefits and perks that allow them to maintain lifestyle choices.
The benefits of hybrid working on recruitment
There are many benefits for your team as well as for your employees when you adopt a hybrid working approach. It can lead to improved morale and employee engagement, motivate them to work harder, and help them be more productive.
Unemployment levels are overtaken by job vacancies for the first time in history
Britain’s job market is booming, with more vacancies than unemployed people for the first time in history.
Let’s Get Social with Twitter
Social networking is all the rage these days and it’s a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family as well as follow the news from your favourite brand, interest or perhaps a celebrity. From our perspective as a business; social media services such as Twitter and LinkedIn are a superb way […]