Proud to be accredited: ISO 9001:2015!

ISO 9001:2015 Upgrade Quality Management accreditation

We are extremely proud to work in the recruitment industry, and it’s important to us during these unprecedented times that our focus on quality & compliance remains as strong as ever. 
Which is why following an outstanding recent external Audit, we took the opportunity during ‘lockdown’ to upgrade our ISO 9001 : 2015 Quality Accreditation, demonstrating the high standards that we hold ourselves to.

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking”

Henry Ford

During this challenging time, we have been reaching out to our Candidates and Clients, continuing to offer support and guidance where we can and continuing to maintain high levels of service across the board. 

Whilst we look towards returning to ‘business as usual’, this downtime has been a chance to build new relationships, reinvigorate strategies, and make sure when we are all on the other side of covid, we are with you to hit the ground running and demonstrate how passionate we are about working together no matter what.
